A Legal Exploration of Space 2.0

Every time I look up at the stars, I can’t help but believe in the future

What is Space 2.0?

The first space age, Space 1.0, took place when brave humans looked up at the skies and picked the “low-hanging fruit” of spaceflight by heading into Earth orbit, landing on the moon, and setting up habitats that still orbit our planet today. The accomplishments of this era of space exploration provided much of the heavy lifting for rockets and spaceflight and we have already reaped tremendous benefits from Space 1.0 - namely GPS, banking, enhanced agriculture and optimized transportation, which all depend on satellite technology.

The second space age, Space 2.0, will provide even greater returns of both scientific and engineering advances and will increasingly be about direct and indirect economic benefits from space. There is a huge and potentially strong overlap between NASA - still the premiere space agency in the world - the international space agencies from Europe and Asia, and private operators like SpaceX and Blue Origin. It’s the overlap of these three areas which hold vast potential for achieving great things in the exploration and development of space, and this has huge implications for everyone on Earth.

Space 2.0 is not just about space exploration, development and commerce, but is also about one of the greatest business revolutions of our time. As Dylan Taylor, the CEO of Voyager Space Holdings said, “Everybody is in the space industry. They just don’t know it yet.” There are many moving parts in this new space age and these articles will hopefully highlight a few of them.